Ā Join Isabella Greene for LIVE Online Classes!Ā 

Side Effects & Best Practices

This class is to assist you with your Cosmic Cobra Breath and night-time meditation practice and the physical and mental challenges you might be facing. Have your questions ready!

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Overcoming Mindā€™s Interference, Preparing for the Void

The purpose of this class is to prepare you for the Void experience. You will learn how to navigate potential pitfalls and ego/mind interferences you might encounter when first entering the state of The Void. We will address the fear of The Void which many of you will face regardless of how strongly you might believe otherwise. Have your questions ready!

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The True Void vs The Matrix

Having otherworldly experiences already or working towards experiencing quantum travel? Learn to differentiate between being in the True Void vs within dimensions of the Matrix. Find out about best ways to deal with deceptive interferences by various astral spirits.










Navigating Kundalini Awakening

Topic is subject to change. More info coming soon!

Registration Opens in 2025